Daily, nightly, hourly etc deploys in Netlify using IFTTT Webhooks

Patrick O'Neill
3 min readFeb 5, 2021

Go to your site settings in Netlify and then select Build & Deploy.

If your site is not already linked to a GitHub (or other) repo do so now by selecting Link site to Git and follow the instructions.

When adding the site make sure the build command and output directory are correct. (Next.js uses out/ as the build folder by default for example.)

Now in the Build & Deploy menu you should be able to scroll down to Build Hooks and we want to click Add build hook.

Call it whatever you want and save (I have called mine nightly as the builds will be occurring at night when I will have the data to update my site for the next day).

Once you have clicked save you will receive a URL. Keep this handy we will need it later!

Now go to ifttt and if you don’t have an account already sign up and log in! Once you are logged in select to create a new applet and on the next screen where it says If This click Add.

Now in the applets search for Date & Time and select it.

Decide how often you would like your build to be triggered and choose a relevant option. Again I want to build once a day at night so I will be selecting Every day at.

Select the time you would like to build at and click Create trigger!

You will now be taken back to the previous page and next to Then That click Add.

Search for and then select the Webhooks service.

Select Make a web request.

Enter the URL created before in Netlify and then in Method select POST, Content Type select application/x-www-form-urlencoded and in the body a pair or curly braces {}

The next screen should then look like this and that’s you pretty much done. Click on Continue.

Click Finish and everything should be in place for your automated daily deploys!

